I. Preparation for filing a Patent Application
II. Prosecution of the Patent Application
A. Request for Examination
B. Laying-open of Applications
C. Preferential Examination
D. Amendments
E. Preliminary Rejection Notice
F. Decision for the Patent Grant
G. Options after Receiving Final Rejection
H. Registration Publication and Opposition
I. Types of Trials in Intellectual Tribunal of Korean Industrial Proprty Office
J. Re-examination before Trial
K. Appeal to the Patent Court
L. Duration
M. Registration
N. Appointment of Patent Administrator
According to the provision of Article 5 of the Patent Law, when a foreigner owns a Korean Patent the owner shall appoint a patent administrator, residing in Korea, for such a patent, and register the appointment of the patent administrator with the Korean Industrial Property Office.In order to register the patent administrator for such a patent, applicant is to use a fresh Power of Attorney, signed by either the applicant or the representative of the applicant company.
However, if a Power of Attorney has already been filed with the KIPO when the application was filed, the very same Power of Attorney could be applicable to secure registration of our appointment as the patent administrator.
O. Documents for transfer of ownership of patent application (or patent)
P. License grant